Terms and conditions:

Data collection:

Yuri stores some data about users/guilds which is used in various operations of the bot.

In the case that a guild/user is deleted, the data linked to them is purged from our database.

As well as this your data can also be removed manually as described under Deletable data.

The data we store:

Deletable data:

You always reserve the right to delete any data that we store on you.

For more information and to request deletion of your data, please contact us at our support server.

In the future we plan to make a process that will make the process easier for you.


All of the data that is stored on our database is only accessible to only the developer of Yuri PyBot.

More information on what data we store can be found under Data collection.

Member intent:

Originally Yuri would make use of Discord's member intent and got verified to make use of it.

However since then we have removed all functionality of the intent and no longer enable it on the bot.

Although Discord shows the bot has access still to this intent, there is no use of the intent in the operations of Yuri PyBot.